Sunday, July 26, 2009
Please Accept My Apology - Missed A Week Due to Injury

Tuesday, July 21, 2009
Sugar - What The Daily Recommended Allowance?

- Lactose: Sugar from milk. "Lactose intolerance" - is caused by the sugar in milk.
- Maltose: Sugar from malt
- Fructose: Sugar from fruit
- Dextrose: Sugar from starch "corn sugar"
- Sucrose: Refined sugar from sugar cane or beets
The refined product of sugar cane can be very addictive. The more our bodies have it the more it wants it. If you have been raised on a limited sugar intake, you will be surprised at how little sugar you crave. You will likely notice that certain foods taste too sweet.
The bottom line is that sugar can be detrimental to your health. Many people develop diabetes, cancer, and skin problems due to overdoses of sugar. The next time you have a craving remember this post and have a big glass of water and reach for something healthy.
Blessings for a Glorious Day!
Friday, July 17, 2009
3-Pronged Stimulus For Getting Rid of Belly Fat

Tuesday, July 14, 2009
Trim Down With The Trim Bundle

Zippy Mandarin Orange Salad

Monday, July 13, 2009
Fitting Fitness Into Your Schedule - Part 3

- Hire the right help - it is important to do weight training, it's even more important to make sure you get trained properly to prevent injury and get the most effective workout. Investing in a personal trainer in the beginning can be great help, also great incentive to keep going if you are paying someone to help you.
- Record your progress - keep a diary of your daily workouts. Record your weight and your measurements to see not only how much weight you have lost, but also how many inches you have lost. It is a great way to see just how much your hard work has paid off.
- Enlist a friend - find someone who likes the same activities as you, like walking, tennis, soccer, etc. and make a date to get together. This will help you stay motivated and will also help your friend to stay motivated as well.
- Do what you like - whatever exercise you like to do, do it. You will tend to stick with the things you like to do.
Try to fit at least 30 minutes of exercise into your schedule each day, if you can't do it every day, do it at least 3-4 days a week. I have faith in all of you that you can find some time to exercise, there isn't anything more important in your life than making sure you take good care of yourself first.
Blessings for a Glorious Day!
Sorry I thought I set it to automatically publish.
Saturday, July 11, 2009
Fitting Fitness Into Your Schedule - Part 2

- Be a morning person - studies show that people who exercise in the morning are more likely to stick with it. Most people don't feel like exercising at the end of a hard day. By exercising in the morning not only are you more likely to do it, but you also set a more positive tone for the day.
- Put it on your schedule - whether morning, afternoon, or evening, pick the time you are most likely to go exercise and write it down on your schedule (daily planner). Keep your exercise routine as you would any appointment.
- Watch your step - invest in a good pedometer, it will keep you motivated. Wear your pedometer on your waist and see how many step you take in a day. Start with a goal of 5,000 steps and gradually work your way to 10,000 steps a day, watch the slimmer and more energetic you emerge!
Part 3 to follow tomorrow!
Blessings for a Glorious Day!
Friday, July 10, 2009
Fitting Fitness Into Your Schedule - Part 1

Here are a few tips for fitting fitness into your busy schedule - especially if you don't know where to start.
- Be less efficient - people are typically trying to think of ways to make tasks easier. But if we make them harder, we can get more exercise. An example is to bring in the groceries one bag at a time instead of trying to carry several at a time, that way you have to make several trips. Another example is to put the laundry away a few pieces at a time rather than a whole basket at a time.
- Avoid labor-saving devices - wash your car by hand rather than taking it to a car wash. It would probably take an hour or longer to do the job correctly and guess what, your getting exercise, in addition to a nice clean car.
- Take the long way - walking up and down a few flights of stairs a day can be good for your heart. Avoid elevators and escalators if possible. If you ride the bus or subway to work, get off a few stops before your office and walk the extra distance. When you go to the store or mall, park further away from the entrance so you can get a few extra minutes of walking in.
Part 2 to follow tomorrow.
Blessings for a Glorious Day!
Thursday, July 9, 2009
Peaches & Carrot Smoothie

Tuesday, July 7, 2009
Thinking Before You Start Eating

Monday, July 6, 2009
Cookie Jars Aren't For Cookies!

- Have a cup of herbal tea.
- Reading a book.
- Calling a friend (put that person's number on the paper).
- Put together a photo album or a scrapbook, perhaps that before & after "I got healthy".
- Listen to relaxing music or a book on CD.
- Take a long relaxing bath.
- Go for a walk.
- Draw or paint a picture, or paint that room that has been waiting for so long.
- Hit a few golf balls, dance, or swim.
- Do a crossword puzzle or Sudoku puzzle, helps keep the mind sharp.
- Spend time on a hobby, if you don't have one - now is the perfect time to get one.
If you fill your cookie jar with different ways to relax and find comfort you won't even miss the cookies. Just remember that when you reach for the cookie jar and pull out that slip of paper, do what it says!
Blessings for a Glorious Day!
Friday, July 3, 2009
In God We Trust! Let Freedom Ring! What Amazing Words!

Thursday, July 2, 2009
Tips To Help Lose That Gut - part 4

- Don't skip meals - not eating for long periods of time puts your body into a catabolic state, meaning it starts to break down muscle tissue for energy, and conserves fat. Be sure you eat 3 meals a day and 2 healthy snacks, you need to be fueling your fire (metabolism) every 2-3 hours.
- Challenge yourself - challenge yourself to run farther, lift more, dance longer - even if it is just by a little each time you workout - it insures that you will burn more calories each time you workout. It also instills confidence in yourself that you can do it!
- Lift those weights - if you hate to exercise, just 10 minutes of lifting, three days a week will help. Harvard studies show that 30 minutes of weight training a week has a greater reduction on waist size than any other variable.
- Pickles, please - snack on dill pickles, they are only one calorie a slice, plus the dill helps to stimulate the burning of carbs.
- No bags or boxes - avoid foods that come in bags or boxes, they are typically highly processed carbs that will quickly raise blood sugar levels and shut down the body's ability to burn fat.
I hope these tips have been helpful for those wanting leaner/flatter abs.
If you need help controlling your appetite, I recommend you get the skinny on Slim!
Blessings for a Glorious Day!
Wednesday, July 1, 2009
Tips To Help Lose That Gut - part 3

- Brush your teeth more often - In a recent Japanese study of 14,000 people it was found that those who frequently brushed teeth were leaner than those who did not. The minty flavor helps reduce the urge to snack.
- Never forbid your favorite food - The more you think you can't have something the more you're going to want it, it's just human nature, the allure of the forbidden. If you want chocolate, have a piece of chocolate, just don't eat the whole box!
- Join a league - sign up for a sport such as soccer, kickball, softball, or even bowling. By joining a league or team you have scheduled exercise times and it's a great way to socialize, and you know you'll show up because you don't want to let the rest of your group down.
- Change directions - try this the next time you're on the elliptical, ride as hard as you can for 30 seconds then immediately reverse your direction and ride for 30 seconds as fast as you can in the opposite direction. Rest for 60 seconds and repeat. The force of stopping your momentum, as well as going from a dead stop to full speed twice in the same interval will give your fat-burning efforts a massive boost.
- Drink water before a meal - by drinking a large glass of water before a meal it fills up room in your stomach, making you feel full and reducing your appetite, making you less likely to overeat.
More tips to come in part 4!
If you're wanting to turn the thermostat up on your metabolism, I recommend ThermoPlus, it increases the thermogenises in the body making your body oxidize fat more effectively, supports a healthy metabolism, and also helps suppresses appetite.
Blessings for a Glorious Day!